Ah, the day after Chistmas. Much better than the day after Thanksgiving, yet not as awesome as the day after Halloween. My six words:
All they know is I <3 chocolate.
(See how I stick signs in? Not technically words. :) )
Not that gifts really matter, but my Ghiradeli stash is stocked until March for now. Ooooh, and I got new fuzzy socks. Feet are warm, this is good. (I have such abnormally cold feet, I need the fuzzies....) On an unusual occasion, I have nothing to complain about. I'm bummed all our decorations are down already (upon my brother's request.), though. The Cheer is gone. :( It's almost like postpartum depression, building up to something and then it's like, "Oh shit. Now it's over. NOW what am I going to do?" (Yes, I'm comparing lack of Christmas to mental disease. And presumably, Christmas to babies. Have I creeped you out today? My work here is done.)
Hey, It's Okay
4 hours ago